


  • A Dislocated Worker is an individual who:
  • Has been terminated or laid off, or has received a notice of termination or layoff from employment;
  • Is eligible for or has exhausted unemployment insurance;
  • Has demonstrated an appropriate attachment to the workforce, but not eligible for unemployment insurance and unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation;
  • Has been terminated or laid off or received notification of termination or layoff from employment as a result of a permanent closure or substantial layoff;
  • Is employed at a facility, where the employer has made the general announcement that the facility will close within a 180 days;
  • Was self-employed (including employment as a farmer, a rancher, or a fisherman) but is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community or because of a natural disaster; 或
  • If a displaced homemaker who is no longer supported by another family member.

Eligibility must be determined by the local Workforce Investment Area’s One-Stop Career Center.


  • 與皮馬縣一站式合作夥伴關係 & YPIC在尤馬, PPEP提供勞動力投資法案 (羊毛) 為就業計劃, 訓練, and education to adult workers, older youth, dislocated workers, and older workers. 這些計劃為人們提供了具有不同需求的水平需要幫助的機會, 從為就業工作先進培訓基本求職協助. 服務劃分為核心, 強化和培訓服務, 根據就業和培訓導引頭的需求.


    • 目前PPEP在皮馬和尤馬縣脫臼提供服務工作者. 請親臨或致電:

    • PPEP, 公司., 802 和. 46第街, 圖森, AZ 85713; 520-622-3553.
    • 基諾一站式就業中心 (對於失業工人), 2797 和. Ajo Way, 圖森, AZ 85713; 520-243-6700.
    • 裡約NUEVO一站式就業中心 (成人 & 青春) 340 Ñ. 商務部園區循環圖森, AZ 85745520-798-0500
    • DES的辦公室, 5441 和. 22ND街, 圖森, AZ 85711; 520-584-8226 (然後按 6 為PPEP & 問格雷斯).
    • YPIC, 3826 在. 16第街, 尤馬, AZ 85364; 928-329-0990, Extn.111.

皮馬縣一停止“網站: pima.gov / CED / CS /一站式; YPIC的網站是: ypic.com.