Easter Day Event at Ramona Morales Apartments – On the Hunt


    聖佩德羅谷男孩和女孩有兩個選項上週六打獵復活節彩蛋, 四月 4, 2015. Youngsters first took to Lions Park where nearly 200 youngsters picked the park clean of 1,700 eggs. Many folks then headed over to the Ramona Morales Apartments for their inaugural “Community Easter Egg Hunt,” 獎品為特色以善意捐贈, 遊戲, 零食和食品, 哪一個, 據活動主辦方, 畫了一個更大的比預期投票率. 圖為卡米拉·馬爾克斯在通過雷蒙娜莫拉萊斯公寓玫瑰園的聯合街道製作方法, 而扎克巴特爾經過在本森Firemates他禮包載貨籃’ 事件在獅子公園 (見文章附).復活節事件頭版新聞